How to change color of lines, fills or text

Select the objects you want to change. Then choose Color from the Line menu to change line color, Color from the Fill menu to change fill color, or Color from the Text menu to change text color.

The color dialog

The color dialog lets you specify color in one of two different color models: HSB or RGB. HSB is the more intuitive color model. In the HSB color model, colors are specified using three parameters called Hue, Saturation and Brightness. Hue specifies the color of the color, such as blue or yellow. Saturation specifies the concentration of the selected hue with respect to the overall intensity. Less saturated color has some white light mixed in. If the saturation is set to 0, you get a shade of gray. Brightness specifies the overall intensity of light. If the brightness is set to 0, you get black.

In the color dialog, different hues are arranged around a color wheel. As you move towards the center of this wheel, saturation decreases. The dialog also has a brightness bar. As you move upwards on the brightness bar, the brightness increases.

To select a color, first select a hue by clicking at an appropriate angle on the color wheel. Now adjust the saturation by moving towards or away from the center. Next click on the brightness bar. Move up or down to adjust the brightness. The currently chosen color is visible in the little square next to the brightness bar. Click OK to select the color.